Weapons of RussiaGo Back to Countries Go Back To Weapons Home Anti-Tank Weapon9M123 KhrizantemaA Russian supersonic anti-tank guided missile system designed to defeat heavy armor, including vehicles equipped with active protection systems. It can be guided via laser or radar, ensuring versatility in various battlefield conditions. It has a range of up to 6 kilometers.Heavy Cannon76 mm divisional gun M1902A Russian field gun introduced in the early 20th century, the M1902 was widely used in World War I and the Russian Civil War. It was praised for its reliability, accuracy, and mobility. It remained in service for decades in various capacities.Infantry Support Gun37 mm trench gun M1915The Russian 37mm Trench Gun M1915 was designed to address the challenges of trench warfare during World War I. Compact and portable, it was intended for close-support roles in trench warfare during World War I.Rocket Artillery9K720 IskanderA Russian short-range ballistic missile system capable of carrying conventional or nuclear warheads. It is designed for high precision and rapid deployment, with a range of up to 500 kilometers. The Iskander is a key component of Russia's tactical missile forces.Infantry RifleM1867 KrnkaA Russian breech-loading rifle developed by Sylvester Krnka, based on the earlier muzzle-loading rifle designs. The M1867 Krnka was chambered in 15.24mm and used a hinged breechblock system similar to the Snider-Enfield. It was adopted by the Russian Empire and saw use in various conflicts during the late 19th century.M1870 Berdan IIA Russian bolt-action rifle designed by American firearms designer Hiram Berdan. The Berdan II, chambered in 10.75x58mmR, was the standard rifle of the Russian Empire from 1870 until it was replaced by the Mosin-Nagant in the 1890s. It was known for its simplicity, ruggedness, and reliability in harsh conditions.Winchester M1895 Russian RifleA lever-action rifle developed by Winchester and supplied to the Russian Empire during World War I. Chambered in 7.62x54mmR, it was notable for being one of the few lever-action rifles used in military service.Semi-Automatic ShotgunSaiga-12A Russian semi-automatic 12-gauge shotgun based on the AK-47 design. It is popular for both civilian use and military applications due to its reliability and high rate of fire.Cavalry SaberPattern 1834 ShashkaA traditional Russian cavalry saber with a curved, single-edged blade and a hilt without a guard. It was used by Cossack troops and is known for its effectiveness in mounted combat.Pattern 1881 ShashkaA later version of the Russian shashka, standardized for broader use by the Russian military. It retained the distinctive curved blade and guardless hilt, embodying the traditional Cossack weapon style. Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit