Weapons of Yugoslavia

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Submachine Gun

Crvena Zastava Automat M56

Crvena Zastava Automat M56

This is a Yugoslav submachine gun chambered in 7.62x25mm Tokarev. It was developed in the 1950s by Zastava Arms and was based on the German MP40. It saw extensive use in various conflicts in the Balkans and by various guerrilla movements.

General Purpose Machine Gun

Yugo M53 Machine Gun

Yugo M53 Machine Gun

A Yugoslavian copy of the German MG 42, chambered in 7.92x57mm Mauser. It maintained the MG 42's legendary high rate of fire and reliability.


M59/66 SKS

M59/66 SKS

A Yugoslavian variant of the Soviet SKS semi-automatic rifle, featuring a grenade launcher attachment. It was widely used by the Yugoslav People's Army during the Cold War.

Infantry Rifle

M48 Mauser

M48 Mauser

A Yugoslavian bolt-action rifle based on the German Karabiner 98k Mauser. It was produced after World War II and used by the Yugoslav military. The M48 was known for its robustness and reliability.
M24 Yugo Mauser

M24 Yugo Mauser

A Yugoslavian bolt-action rifle, a derivative of the Mauser 98 design. It was the standard rifle of the Yugoslav military and known for its durability.
M24/47 Yugo Mauser

M24/47 Yugo Mauser

A post-World War II upgrade of the M24, featuring improvements like a bent bolt handle. It remained in service for several decades in Yugoslavia and other countries.