Stechkin APS

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Stechkin APS
Weapon: Stechkin APS
Type: Submachine Gun
Country of Origin: USSR
Year Adopted: 1958
Caliber: 9mm Makarov
Action: Blow Back Fully Automatic
Overall Length (mm): 200.0
Weight (kg): 1.00
Effective Range (m): 200

The Stechkin Automatic Pistol (APS) was developed in the late 1940s by Soviet designer Igor Stechkin as a compact, selective-fire sidearm for use by officers and specialized troops such as vehicle crews and paratroopers. The APS was chambered in 9x18mm Makarov and featured a blowback-operated mechanism with a large-capacity 20-round magazine. It was equipped with a wooden holster that could double as a shoulder stock, enhancing its utility in the fully automatic mode. Despite its ambitious design, the APS was relatively heavy and complex compared to standard pistols of the era.

Production of the Stechkin APS began in the early 1950s and continued until the mid-1950s, with an estimated 30,000 to 40,000 units manufactured. While its innovative design provided a bridge between traditional pistols and submachine guns, the APS was ultimately deemed too unwieldy for widespread use. Its significant recoil during automatic fire and its heavy weight made it less practical than simpler, more conventional sidearms. As a result, the APS was largely replaced by the Makarov PM in most standard applications.

Despite its limited adoption, the Stechkin APS found a niche among Soviet and later Russian special forces, including Spetsnaz units, who appreciated its versatility and high magazine capacity. It also gained notoriety for its use in several Cold War conflicts and as a symbol of Soviet engineering ambition. Over time, the APS has become a collector's item and remains a fascinating example of the challenges involved in designing multipurpose military firearms.

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