Stokes mortarGo Back to Mortar Go Back To Weapons Home Weapon: Stokes mortarType: MortarCountry of Origin: United KingdomYear Adopted: 1915Caliber: 81mmAction: Light MortarOverall Length (mm): 1100.0Weight (kg): 40.00Effective Range (m): 1500 The Stokes mortar, developed by British engineer Sir Wilfred Stokes in 1915, was a revolutionary infantry weapon designed for trench warfare during World War I. It featured a simple and effective design consisting of a smoothbore tube mounted on a baseplate with a bipod for stabilization. The system relied on a firing pin at the bottom of the tube that would ignite a propellant charge when a mortar shell was dropped down the barrel. Its straightforward construction made it easy to produce and maintain, and it could fire up to 25 rounds per minute, providing significant firepower for infantry units. The production of the Stokes mortar ramped up quickly after its adoption, with thousands manufactured in Britain and other Allied nations during World War I. Its lightweight and portable design allowed it to be deployed quickly in the trenches, offering a versatile solution to deliver high-angle fire onto enemy positions. The weapon's ammunition included high-explosive and smoke rounds, adding to its adaptability on the battlefield. Its success led to continued use and refinements in the interwar period and during World War II, cementing its place as a foundational weapon in modern mortar design. The Stokes mortar is renowned as one of the most influential weapons of the 20th century, setting the standard for infantry mortar systems worldwide. Its effectiveness in breaking stalemates in trench warfare and providing rapid, localized artillery support earned it widespread acclaim. The Stokes mortar's simplicity and reliability influenced numerous subsequent designs, including the modern 81mm mortars used today. Its legacy endures as a symbol of innovation and adaptability, proving the value of straightforward engineering in overcoming complex battlefield challenges. No Related WeaponsGalleryNo Articles Found No Videos Found Please Rate the Content on this page 1 - Least Useful 2 3 4 5 - Most Useful Submit